What is Fizz Buzz and How to Solve it Using PHP

Have you ever come across the term “Fizz Buzz” and wondered what it meant? In the world of programming, Fizz Buzz is a classic coding problem that is often used to assess a programmer’s basic understanding of loops, conditionals, and problem-solving skills. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the Fizz Buzz code and unravel its mystery. So, let’s get started!

What is Fizz Buzz?

Fizz Buzz is a popular programming exercise that requires you to write a program to display numbers from 1 to 100. However, instead of printing the actual number, certain conditions must be met, resulting in specific outputs. Let’s take a closer look at the Fizz Buzz code and understand how it works.

The Fizz Buzz Code in PHP

The code snippet you provided is a PHP implementation of the Fizz Buzz problem. Let’s break it down step by step to understand its behavior.

function fizzbuz(int $number, array $map){
$not_null = (!empty($map) && !empty($number)) ? true : false;
$in_range = ((1 <= $number) && ($number <= 100)) ? true : false;
$key_exist = (in_array($number , array_flip($map)))  ? true : false;
$conditions = ($not_null && $in_range && $key_exist) ? true : false;

if($conditions) {
        case ($number % 12 == 0) :
            echo "Fizz Buzz";
        case ($number % 4 == 0) :
            echo "Buzz";
        case ($number % 3 == 0) :
            echo "Fizz";
            echo $number;
    echo "Sorry key not exist!";

$map = [
    3 => 'fizz',
    4 => 'buzz',
    5 => 'soma',
    12 => 'fizzbuz'

echo fizzbuz(4 , $map);


The function fizzbuz() is defined to determine the appropriate output for a given number based on the rules defined in the $map array. Let’s dissect the code further:

  1. Checking Conditions:
    • The code checks if both the $number and $map are not empty using the !empty() function. If either of them is empty, the $not_null variable is set to false.
    • It verifies if the $number is within the range of 1 to 100 using the $in_range variable.
    • The code checks if the $number exists as a key in the $map array using in_array($number, array_flip($map)). If the key exists, the $key_exist variable is set to true.
    • Finally, the $conditions variable is determined by combining the previous three conditions using the logical AND operator (&&).
  2. Output Generation:
    • If all the conditions are met ($conditions is true), the code enters the if block and performs a switch case on the $number.
    • The switch case checks if the $number is divisible by 12 ($number % 12 == 0), 4 ($number % 4 == 0), or 3 ($number % 3 == 0), and executes the corresponding case.
    • If the $number is divisible by 12, it outputs “Fizz Buzz”. If divisible by 4, it outputs “Buzz”. If divisible by 3, it outputs “Fizz”.
    • If none of the above cases match, the code simply outputs the $number.
  3. Handling Exceptions:
    • If the conditions are not met ($conditions is false), indicating that the key does not exist or the number is out of range, the code outputs “Sorry key does not exist!”.
  4. Example Output:
    • In the provided code, the function fizzbuz() is called with the arguments 4 and $map using echo fizzbuz(4, $map).
    • Since the number 4 exists as a key in the $map array, the code outputs “Buzz”.


The Fizz Buzz code is a clever demonstration of how programming languages can be used to solve simple problems in a concise and efficient manner. By understanding the underlying logic and concepts of Fizz Buzz, you can enhance your programming skills and tackle more complex challenges. So, experiment with different variations of Fizz Buzz, and explore the fascinating world of programming!






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